Hotel Oyster Mushrooms was started in 2006 in the green scape of Bengaluru which is Hesaraghatta by Mr. Raghu who is a fanatically determined lover of mushrooms. Raghu was working for a private company prior to the start of Hotel Oyster Mushrooms. He developed a personality of entrepreneurship and was highly motivated to start something on his own. Later he discovered that there was a huge demand for mushrooms in the region but the supply was not at its best, so people used to purchase mushrooms packed and supplied from distinct places. In fact, there was a shortage of fresh mushrooms.

Raghu started traveling to different regions of India to explore the mushroom business and upon suggestions from a few people he traveled to Solan, Himachal Pradesh. In Solan, he met horticulture experts Mr. Tiwari and Dr. Meera Pandey(IIHR Bengaluru) who mentored him on mushroom horticulture.
Mr. Rahgu started learning the art of mushroom horticulture from the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research(IIHR), Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru and implemented the techniques on his own farms in Hesaraghatta. His techniques worked and he harvested more than 5 varieties of mushrooms, earlier he supplied mushrooms to vendors and people wholesale, and later he launched his own restaurant under the registered trademark “Hotel Oyster Mushrooms” near Heasraghatta offering exclusively mushroom foods and sales.
The mushroom restaurant business clicked and became popular in the region as “Anabe hotel” meaning mushroom hotel in Kannada.
Today Hotel Oyster Mushrooms has two branches one in Hesaraghatta and another in Soladevanahalli employing around 30 female staff.
“More than 15 years ago what I found mushrooms were not common in the market unlike these days, there were limited stocks and prices were too high due to the demands and transport charges. At the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hesaraghatta I learned mushroom cultivation techniques. Mushrooms can be grown anywhere as they do not require any strict environmental conditions. They have multiple health benefits and are a great substitute for meat products. With our years of experience in the mushroom business, we have mastered mushroom recipes to bring a mouth-watering taste. Throughout my journey in the mushroom business, my wife has always been my strength and stood with me during my ups and downs. Women really give strength to our society and that is why I’m empowering women by employing only lady staff. Now Hotel Oyster Mushrooms has become a brand for mushroom food. Do try our mushroom food products when you visit Hesaraghatta”, says the founder Mr. Raghu.

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